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1 Pin Configurations Features •Low Pin Count (LPC) BIOS Device •Functions as Firmware Hub for Intel 810, 810E, 820, 840 Chipsets •8M or 4M Bits of Flash Memory for Platform Code/Data Storage – Uniform, 64-Kbyte Memory Sectors – Available in 8M Bits (AT49LW080) and 4M Bits (AT49LW040) – Automated Byte-program and Sector-erase Operations •Two Configurable Interfaces – Firmware Hub (FWH) Interface for In-System Operation – Address/Address Multiplexed (A/A Mux) Interface for Programming during Manufacturing •Firmware Hub Hardware Interface Mode – 5-signal Communication Interface Supporting x8 Reads and Writes – Read and Write Protection for Each Sector Using Software-controlled Registers – Two Hardware Write-protect Pins: One for the Top Boot Sector, One for All Other Sectors – Five General-purpose Inputs, GPIs, for Platform Design Flexibility – Operates with 33 MHz PCI Clock and 3.3V I/O •Address/Address Multiplexed (A/A Mux) Interface – 11-pin Multiplexed Address and 8-pin Data Interface – Supports Fast On-board or Out-of-system Programming •Power Supply Specifications –V CC : 3.3V ± 0.3V –V PP : 3.3V and 12V for Fast Programming •Industry-standard Packages – (40-lead TSOP or 32-lead PLCC) Description The AT49LW080 and the AT49LW040 are Flash memory devices designed to be com- patible with the Intel 82802AC and the Intel 82802AB Firmware Hub (FWH) devices for PC-Bios Application. A feature of the AT49LW080/040 is the nonvolatile memory core. The high-performance memory is arranged in eight (AT49LW040) or sixteen (AT49LW080) 64-Kbyte sectors (see page 13). 8-megabit and 4-megabit Firmware Hub Flash Memory AT49LW080 AT49LW040 PLCC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 [A7] FGPI1 [A6] FGPI0 [A5] WP [A4] TBL [A3] ID3 [A2] ID2 [A1] ID1 [A0] ID0 [I/O0] FWH0 IC (V IL ) [IC(V IH )] GNDa [GNDa] VCCa [VCCa] GND [GND] VCC [VCC] INIT [OE] FWH4 [WE] RFU [RY/BY] RFU [I/O7] 4321 323130 14151617181920 [I/O1] FWH1[I/O2] FWH2 [GND] GND [I/O3] FWH3 [I/O4] RFU[I/O5] RFU[I/O6] RFU FGPI2 [A8]FGPI3 [A9]RST [RST]VPP [VPP]VCC [VCC]CLK [R/C]FGPI4 [A10] [ ] Designates A/A Mux Mode TSOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 (NC) NC [IC (V IH )] IC (V IL ) [NC] NC [NC] NC [NC] NC [NC] NC [A10] FGPI4 [NC] NC [R/C] CLK [VCC] VCC [VPP] VPP [RST] RST [NC] NC [NC] NC [A9] FGPI3 [A8] FGPI2 [A7] FGPI1 [A6] FGPI0 [A5] WP [A4] TBL GNDa [GNDa] VCCa [VCCa] FWH4 [WE] INIT [OE] RFU [RY/BY] RFU [I/O7] RFU [I/O6] RFU [I/O5] RFU [I/O4] VCC [VCC] GND [GND] GND [GND] FWH3 [I/O3] FWH2 [I/O2] FWH1 [I/O1] FWH0 [I/O0] ID0 [A0] ID1 [A1] ID2 [A2] ID3 [A3] [ ] Designates A/A Mux Mode Rev. 1966C–FLASH–03/02