AT681S60 datasheet pdf

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AT681S60 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 4

PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORAT681 Repetitive voltage up to6000V Mean on-state current840A Surge current10kA FINAL SPECIFICATION feb 97 - ISSUE : 02 SymbolCharacteristicConditions Tj [°C] ValueUnit BLOCKING VRRMRepetitive peak reverse voltage1206000V VRSMNon-repetitive peak reverse voltage1206100V VDRMRepetitive peak off-state voltage1206000V IRRMRepetitive peak reverse currentV=VRRM120150mA IDRMRepetitive peak off-state currentV=VDRM120150mA CONDUCTING IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Th=55°C, double side cooled840A IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Tc=85°C, double side cooled705A ITSMSurge on-state currentsine wave, 10 ms12010kA I² tI² twithout reverse voltage500x1E3A²s VTOn-state voltageOn-state current = 1570A252.4V VT(TO)Threshold voltage1201.3V rTOn-state slope resistance1201.150mohm SWITCHING di/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state currentFrom 75% VDRM up to 1200 A 120100A/μs dv/dtCritical rate of rise of off-state voltage, min.Linear ramp up to 75% of VDRM120500V/μs tdGate controlled delay time, typicalVD=200V, gate source 20V, 10 ohm 255μs tqCircuit commutated turn-off time, typicaldV/dt = 20 V/μs linear up to 80% VDRM650μs QrrReverse recovery chargedi/dt=-60 A/μs, I= 1000 A120μC IrrPeak reverse recovery currentVR= 50 VA IHHolding current, typical 25300mA ILLatching current, typical 25700mA GATE VGTGate trigger voltage 253.5V IGTGate trigger currentVD=5V25400mA VGDNon-trigger gate voltage, min.0.5 VDRM1200.5V VFGMPeak gate voltage (forward) 30V IFGMPeak gate current 10A VRGMPeak gate voltage (reverse) 5V PGMPeak gate power dissipationPulse width 100 μs 150W PGAverage gate power dissipation 2W MOUNTING Rth(j-h)Thermal impedance, DCJunction to heatsink, double side cooled21°C/kW Rth(c-h)Thermal impedanceCase to heatsink, double side cooled6°C/kW TjOperating junction temperature120°C FMounting force 22.0 /24.5kN Mass520g ORDERING INFORMATION : AT681 S 60 standard specification VDRM&VRRM/100 Via N. Lorenzi 8 - I 16152 GENOVA - ITALY Tel. int. +39/(0)10 6556549 - (0)10 6556488 Fax Int. +39/(0)10 6442510 Tx 270318 ANSUSE I - ANSALDO Ansaldo Trasporti s.p.a. Unita' Semiconduttori

PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORAT681 Repetitive voltage up to6000V Mean on-state current840A Surge current10kA FINAL SPECIFICATION feb 97 - ISSUE : 02 SymbolCharacteristicConditions Tj [°C] ValueUnit BLOCKING VRRMRepetitive peak reverse voltage1206000V VRSMNon-repetitive peak reverse voltage1206100V VDRMRepetitive peak off-state voltage1206000V IRRMRepetitive peak reverse currentV=VRRM120150mA IDRMRepetitive peak off-state currentV=VDRM120150mA CONDUCTING IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Th=55°C, double side cooled840A IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Tc=85°C, double side cooled705A ITSMSurge on-state currentsine wave, 10 ms12010kA I² tI² twithout reverse voltage500x1E3A²s VTOn-state voltageOn-state current = 1570A252.4V VT(TO)Threshold voltage1201.3V rTOn-state slope resistance1201.150mohm SWITCHING di/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state currentFrom 75% VDRM up to 1200 A 120100A/μs dv/dtCritical rate of rise of off-state voltage, min.Linear ramp up to 75% of VDRM120500V/μs tdGate controlled delay time, typicalVD=200V, gate source 20V, 10 ohm 255μs tqCircuit commutated turn-off time, typicaldV/dt = 20 V/μs linear up to 80% VDRM650μs QrrReverse recovery chargedi/dt=-60 A/μs, I= 1000 A120μC IrrPeak reverse recovery currentVR= 50 VA IHHolding current, typical 25300mA ILLatching current, typical 25700mA GATE VGTGate trigger voltage 253.5V IGTGate trigger currentVD=5V25400mA VGDNon-trigger gate voltage, min.0.5 VDRM1200.5V VFGMPeak gate voltage (forward) 30V IFGMPeak gate current 10A VRGMPeak gate voltage (reverse) 5V PGMPeak gate power dissipationPulse width 100 μs 150W PGAverage gate power dissipation 2W MOUNTING Rth(j-h)Thermal impedance, DCJunction to heatsink, double side cooled21°C/kW Rth(c-h)Thermal impedanceCase to heatsink, double side cooled6°C/kW TjOperating junction temperature120°C FMounting force 22.0 /24.5kN Mass520g ORDERING INFORMATION : AT681 S 60 standard specification VDRM&VRRM/100 Via N. Lorenzi 8 - I 16152 GENOVA - ITALY Tel. int. +39/(0)10 6556549 - (0)10 6556488 Fax Int. +39/(0)10 6442510 Tx 270318 ANSUSE I - ANSALDO Ansaldo Trasporti s.p.a. Unita' Semiconduttori