AT726 datasheet pdf

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AT726 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 4

PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORAT726 Repetitive voltage up to1600V Mean on-state current2400A Surge current38kA FINAL SPECIFICATION feb 97 - ISSUE : 02 SymbolCharacteristicConditions Tj [°C] ValueUnit BLOCKING VRRMRepetitive peak reverse voltage1251600V VRSMNon-repetitive peak reverse voltage1251700V VDRMRepetitive peak off-state voltage1251600V IRRMRepetitive peak reverse currentV=VRRM125100mA IDRMRepetitive peak off-state currentV=VDRM125100mA CONDUCTING IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Th=55°C, double side cooled2400A IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Tc=85°C, double side cooled1885A ITSMSurge on-state currentsine wave, 10 ms12538kA I² tI² twithout reverse voltage7220x1E3A²s VTOn-state voltageOn-state current = 6000A251.65V VT(TO)Threshold voltage1250.77V rTOn-state slope resistance1250.160mohm SWITCHING di/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state current, min. From 75% VDRM up to 2300 A, gate 10V 5ohm 125200A/μs dv/dtCritical rate of rise of off-state voltage, min.Linear ramp up to 70% of VDRM125500V/μs tdGate controlled delay time, typicalVD=100V, gate source 25V, 10 ohm , tr=.5 μs251μs tqCircuit commutated turn-off time, typicaldV/dt = 20 V/μs linear up to 75% VDRM250μs QrrReverse recovery chargedi/dt=-20 A/μs, I= 1500 A125μC IrrPeak reverse recovery currentVR= 50 VA IHHolding current, typicalVD=5V, gate open circuit25300mA ILLatching current, typicalVD=5V, tp=30μs25700mA GATE VGTGate trigger voltageVD=5V253.5V IGTGate trigger currentVD=5V25200mA VGDNon-trigger gate voltage, min.VD=VDRM1250.25V VFGMPeak gate voltage (forward) 30V IFGMPeak gate current 10A VRGMPeak gate voltage (reverse) 5V PGMPeak gate power dissipationPulse width 100 μs 150W PGAverage gate power dissipation 2W MOUNTING Rth(j-h)Thermal impedance, DCJunction to heatsink, double side cooled17°C/kW Rth(c-h)Thermal impedanceCase to heatsink, double side cooled3°C/kW TjOperating junction temperature -30 /125°C FMounting force 40.0 /50.0kN Mass1000g ORDERING INFORMATION : AT726 S 16 standard specification VDRM&VRRM/100 Via N. Lorenzi 8 - I 16152 GENOVA - ITALY Tel. int. +39/(0)10 6556549 - (0)10 6556488 Fax Int. +39/(0)10 6442510 Tx 270318 ANSUSE I - ANSALDO Ansaldo Trasporti s.p.a. Unita' Semiconduttori

PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORAT726 Repetitive voltage up to1600V Mean on-state current2400A Surge current38kA FINAL SPECIFICATION feb 97 - ISSUE : 02 SymbolCharacteristicConditions Tj [°C] ValueUnit BLOCKING VRRMRepetitive peak reverse voltage1251600V VRSMNon-repetitive peak reverse voltage1251700V VDRMRepetitive peak off-state voltage1251600V IRRMRepetitive peak reverse currentV=VRRM125100mA IDRMRepetitive peak off-state currentV=VDRM125100mA CONDUCTING IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Th=55°C, double side cooled2400A IT (AV)Mean on-state current180° sin, 50 Hz, Tc=85°C, double side cooled1885A ITSMSurge on-state currentsine wave, 10 ms12538kA I² tI² twithout reverse voltage7220x1E3A²s VTOn-state voltageOn-state current = 6000A251.65V VT(TO)Threshold voltage1250.77V rTOn-state slope resistance1250.160mohm SWITCHING di/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state current, min. From 75% VDRM up to 2300 A, gate 10V 5ohm 125200A/μs dv/dtCritical rate of rise of off-state voltage, min.Linear ramp up to 70% of VDRM125500V/μs tdGate controlled delay time, typicalVD=100V, gate source 25V, 10 ohm , tr=.5 μs251μs tqCircuit commutated turn-off time, typicaldV/dt = 20 V/μs linear up to 75% VDRM250μs QrrReverse recovery chargedi/dt=-20 A/μs, I= 1500 A125μC IrrPeak reverse recovery currentVR= 50 VA IHHolding current, typicalVD=5V, gate open circuit25300mA ILLatching current, typicalVD=5V, tp=30μs25700mA GATE VGTGate trigger voltageVD=5V253.5V IGTGate trigger currentVD=5V25200mA VGDNon-trigger gate voltage, min.VD=VDRM1250.25V VFGMPeak gate voltage (forward) 30V IFGMPeak gate current 10A VRGMPeak gate voltage (reverse) 5V PGMPeak gate power dissipationPulse width 100 μs 150W PGAverage gate power dissipation 2W MOUNTING Rth(j-h)Thermal impedance, DCJunction to heatsink, double side cooled17°C/kW Rth(c-h)Thermal impedanceCase to heatsink, double side cooled3°C/kW TjOperating junction temperature -30 /125°C FMounting force 40.0 /50.0kN Mass1000g ORDERING INFORMATION : AT726 S 16 standard specification VDRM&VRRM/100 Via N. Lorenzi 8 - I 16152 GENOVA - ITALY Tel. int. +39/(0)10 6556549 - (0)10 6556488 Fax Int. +39/(0)10 6442510 Tx 270318 ANSUSE I - ANSALDO Ansaldo Trasporti s.p.a. Unita' Semiconduttori