AT73C501 datasheet pdf

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AT73C501 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 28

1 Features • Fulfills IEC 1036, Class 1 Accuracy Requirements • Fulfills IEC 687, Class 0.5 and Class 0.2 Accuracy, with External Temperature Compensated Voltage Reference • Simultaneous Active, Reactive and Apparent Power and Energy Measurement • Power Factor, Frequency, Voltage and Current Measurement • Single and Poly Phase Operation • Three Basic Operating Modes: Stand-Alone Mode, Microprocessor Mode and Multi- Channel Mode • Flexible Interfacing, 8-bit Microprocessor Interface, 8-bit Status Output and Eight Impulse Outputs • Calibration of Gain and Phase Error • Compensation of the Non-Linearity of Low Power Measurement • Adjustable Starting Current and Meter Constant • Measurement Bandwidth of 1000 Hz • Tamper Proof Design • Single +5V Supply Description A two chip solution, consisting of AT73C500 and AT73C501 (or AT73C502), offers all main features required for the measurement and calculation of various power and energy quantities in static Watt-hour meters. The devices operate according to IEC1036, class 1, specification. IEC 687, class 0.5 and 0.2 requirements are fulfilled when used with external temperature compensated voltage reference. The AT73C501 contains six, high-performance, Sigma-Delta analog-to-digital convert- ers (ADC). The AT73C500 is based on an efficient digital signal processor (DSP) core and it supports interfacing both with the AT73C501 and with an external microproces- sor. The AT73C500 DSP can also be used with the differential input ADC, AT73C502. With this chipset, only a minimum of discrete components is required to develop prod- ucts ranging from simple domestic Watt-hour meters to sophisticated industrial meters. The chipset can be used in single-phase as well as in poly-phase systems. The DSP core of the AT73C500 is easy to configure. By changing the mode of the AT73C500, the device can be operated in a stand-alone environment or be used with a separate control processor. It is also possible to configure the circuit to perform the functions of three independent single phase Wh meters. The chips support calibration of gain and phase error. All calibrations are done in the digital domain and no trimming components are needed. The calibration coefficients are either stored in an EEPROM memory or supplied by an external microprocessor. (continued) Chip Set Solution for Watt-Hour Meters AT73C500 with AT73C501 or AT73C502 Rev. 1035A–08/98
