AT86RF211 datasheet pdf

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AT86RF211 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 48

1 Features •Multiband Transceiver: 400 MHz to 950 MHz •Monochip RF Solution: Transmitter-Receiver-Synthesizer •Integrated PLL and VCO: No External Coil •Very Resistant to Interferers by Design •Digital Channel Selection •200 Hz Steps •Data Rates up to 64 kbps with Data Clock and no Manchester Encoding Required •High Output Power Allowing Very Low Cost Printed Antennas: – +10 dBm in the 915 MHz Frequency Band – +12 dBm in the 868 MHz Frequency Band – +14 dBm in the 433 MHz Frequency Band •FSK Modulation: Integrated Modulator and Demodulator •Power Savings: – Stand Alone "Sleep" Mode and "Wake-up" Procedures – 8 Selectable Digital Levels for Output Power – High Data Rate and Fast Settling Time of the PLL – Oscillator Running Mode "Ready to Start" – Analog FSK Discriminator Allowing Measurement and Correction of Frequency Drifts •100% Digital Interface through R/W Registers Including: – Digital RSSI –V CC Readout Description The AT86RF211 (aka: TRX01) is a single chip transceiver dedicated to low power wireless applications, optimized for licence-free ISM band operations from 400 MHz to 950 MHz. Its flexibility and unique level of integration make it a natural choice for any system related to telemetry, remote controls, alarms, radio modems, Automatic Meter Reading, hand held terminals, high-tech toys, etc. The AT86RF211 makes bidirec- tional communications affordable for applications such as secured transmissions with hand-shake procedures, new features and services, etc. The AT86RF211 can easily be configured to provide the optimal solution for the user’s application: choice of exter- nal filters vs. technical requirements (bandwidth, selectivity, immunity, range, etc), and software protocol (single channel, multiple channel, FHSS). The AT86RF211 is also well adapted to battery operated systems, as it can be powered with only 2.4V. It also offers a “Wake Up” receiver feature to save power by alerting the associated micro- controller only when a valid inquiry is detected. FSK Transceiver for ISM Radio Applications AT86RF211 (aka: TRX01) Rev. 1942C–WIRE–06/02

  • •Multiband Transceiver: 400 MHz to 950 MHz
  • •Monochip RF Solution: Transmitter-Receiver-Synthesizer
  • •Integrated PLL and VCO: No External Coil
  • •Very Resistant to Interferers by Design
  • •Digital Channel Selection
  • •200 Hz Steps
  • •Data Rates up to 64 kbps with Data Clock and no Manchester Encoding Required
  • •High Output Power Allowing Very Low Cost Printed Antennas:
  • •FSK Modulation: Integrated Modulator and Demodulator
  • •Power Savings:
  • •100% Digital Interface through R/W Registers Including: