BD243B (1) datasheet pdf

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BD243B (1) datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 4

BD243B/BD243C BD244B/BD244C COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS nSTMicroelectronics PREFERRED SALESTYPES DESCRIPTION TheBD243BandBD243Caresilicon Epitaxial-Base NPN transistors mounted in Jedec TO-220 plastic package. They are inteded for use in medium power linear and switching applications. The complementary PNP types are BD244B and BD244C respectively.  INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM September 1999 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SymbolParameterVal ueUni t NPNBD243BBD243C PNPBD244BBD244C V CBO Collector-Base Voltage (I E =0)80100V V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage (I B =0)80100V V EBO Emitter-Base Voltage (I C =0)5V I C Collector Current6A I CM Collector Peak Current10A I B Base Current2A P tot Total Dissipation at T c ≤25 o C 65W T stg Storage Temperature-65 to 150 o C T j Max. Operating Junction Temperature150 o C For PNP types voltage and current values are negative. 1 2 3 TO-220 1/4

BD243B/BD243C BD244B/BD244C COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS nSTMicroelectronics PREFERRED SALESTYPES DESCRIPTION TheBD243BandBD243Caresilicon Epitaxial-Base NPN transistors mounted in Jedec TO-220 plastic package. They are inteded for use in medium power linear and switching applications. The complementary PNP types are BD244B and BD244C respectively.  INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM September 1999 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SymbolParameterVal ueUni t NPNBD243BBD243C PNPBD244BBD244C V CBO Collector-Base Voltage (I E =0)80100V V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage (I B =0)80100V V EBO Emitter-Base Voltage (I C =0)5V I C Collector Current6A I CM Collector Peak Current10A I B Base Current2A P tot Total Dissipation at T c ≤25 o C 65W T stg Storage Temperature-65 to 150 o C T j Max. Operating Junction Temperature150 o C For PNP types voltage and current values are negative. 1 2 3 TO-220 1/4