BD809 datasheet pdf

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BD809 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 4

© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014 November, 2014 − Rev. 8 1Publication Order Number: BD809/D BD809(NPN), BD810(PNP) Plastic High Power Silicon Transistors These devices are designed for use in high power audio amplifiers utilizing complementary or quasi complementary circuits. Features •High DC Current Gain •These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant* MAXIMUM RATINGS RatingSymbolValueUnit Collector−Emitter VoltageV CEO 80Vdc Collector−Base VoltageV CBO 80Vdc Emitter−Base VoltageV EBO 5.0Vdc Collector CurrentI C 10Adc Base CurrentI B 6.0Adc Total Device Dissipation @ T C = 25°C Derate above 25°C P D 90 0.72 W W/°C Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range T J , T stg − 55 to +150°C Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CharacteristicsSymbolMaxUnit Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case R q JC 1.39°C/W *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. 10 AMPERE POWER TRANSISTORS 80 VOLTS 90 WATTS MARKING DIAGRAM BD8xx =Device Code x = 09 or 10 A=Assembly Location Y=Year WW=Work Week G=Pb−Free Package BD8xxG AY WW DevicePackageShipping ORDERING INFORMATION BD809GTO−220 (Pb−Free) 50 Units/Rail BD810GTO−220 (Pb−Free) 50 Units/Rail TO−220 CASE 221A STYLE 1 1 2 3 4 1 BASE EMITTER 3 COLLECTOR 2, 4 1 BASE EMITTER 3 COLLECTOR 2, 4 PNPNPN

  • •High DC Current Gain
  • •These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant*
  • 5.0Vdc
  • 6.0Adc
  • 0.72
  • 1.39°C/W
  • *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please