BDV64A datasheet pdf

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BDV64A datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 6

BDV64, BDV64A, BDV64B, BDV64C PNP SILICON POWER DARLINGTONS PRODUCT INFORMATION 1 JUNE 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1997Copyright © 1997, Power Innovations Limited, UK Information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications in accordance with the terms of Power Innovations standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. lDesigned for Complementary Use with BDV65, BDV65A, BDV65B and BDV65C l125 W at 25°C Case Temperature l12 A Continuous Collector Current lMinimum h FE of 1000 at 4 V, 5 A SOT-93 PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Pin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base. MDTRAA B C E 1 2 3 absolute maximum ratings at 25°C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) NOTES:1.This value applies for t p ≤ 0.1 ms, duty cycle ≤ 10% 2.Derate linearly to 150°C case temperature at the rate of 0.56 W/°C. 3.Derate linearly to 150°C free air temperature at the rate of 28 mW/°C. RATINGSYMBOLVALUEUNIT Collector-base voltage (I E = 0) BDV64 BDV64A BDV64B BDV64C V CBO -60 -80 -100 -120 V Collector-emitter voltage (I B = 0) BDV64 BDV64A BDV64B BDV64C V CEO -60 -80 -100 -120 V Emitter-base voltageV EBO -5V Continuous collector currentI C -12A Peak collector current (see Note 1)I CM -15A Continuous base currentI B -0.5A Continuous device dissipation at (or below) 25°C case temperature (see Note 2)P tot 125W Continuous device dissipation at (or below) 25°C free air temperature (see Note 3)P tot 3.5W Operating junction temperature rangeT j -65 to +150°C Storage temperature rangeT stg -65 to +150°C Lead temperature 3.2 mm from case for 10 secondsT L 260°C

BDV64, BDV64A, BDV64B, BDV64C PNP SILICON POWER DARLINGTONS PRODUCT INFORMATION 1 JUNE 1993 - REVISED MARCH 1997Copyright © 1997, Power Innovations Limited, UK Information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications in accordance with the terms of Power Innovations standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. lDesigned for Complementary Use with BDV65, BDV65A, BDV65B and BDV65C l125 W at 25°C Case Temperature l12 A Continuous Collector Current lMinimum h FE of 1000 at 4 V, 5 A SOT-93 PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Pin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base. MDTRAA B C E 1 2 3 absolute maximum ratings at 25°C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) NOTES:1.This value applies for t p ≤ 0.1 ms, duty cycle ≤ 10% 2.Derate linearly to 150°C case temperature at the rate of 0.56 W/°C. 3.Derate linearly to 150°C free air temperature at the rate of 28 mW/°C. RATINGSYMBOLVALUEUNIT Collector-base voltage (I E = 0) BDV64 BDV64A BDV64B BDV64C V CBO -60 -80 -100 -120 V Collector-emitter voltage (I B = 0) BDV64 BDV64A BDV64B BDV64C V CEO -60 -80 -100 -120 V Emitter-base voltageV EBO -5V Continuous collector currentI C -12A Peak collector current (see Note 1)I CM -15A Continuous base currentI B -0.5A Continuous device dissipation at (or below) 25°C case temperature (see Note 2)P tot 125W Continuous device dissipation at (or below) 25°C free air temperature (see Note 3)P tot 3.5W Operating junction temperature rangeT j -65 to +150°C Storage temperature rangeT stg -65 to +150°C Lead temperature 3.2 mm from case for 10 secondsT L 260°C