BFS17S datasheet pdf

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BFS17S datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 5

≤ 83 °C P tot 280 mW Junction temperatureT j 150°C Ambient temperatureT A - 65 + 150 Storage temperatureT stg - 65 ... + 150 Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering point 1) R thJS ≤ 240 K/W 1) Package mounted on aluminia 15 mm x 16,7 mm x 0,7 mm

Semiconductor Group1Dec-18-1996 BFS 17S NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For broadband amplifiers up to 1GHz at collector currents from 1mA to 20mA Tape loading orientation TypeMarkingOrdering CodePin ConfigurationPackage BFS 17SMCsQ62702-F16451/4=B1/B22/5=E1/E23/6=C2/C1 SOT-363 Maximum Ratings of any single Transistor ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Collector-emitter voltageV CEO 15V Collector-base voltageV CBO 25 Emitter-base voltageV EBO 2.5 Collector currentI C 25mA Peak collector current f ≥ 10 MHz I CM 50 Total power dissipation T S