BG3140R datasheet pdf

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BG3140R datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 6

Feb-27-2004 1 BG3140... VPS05604 6 3 1 5 4 2 DUAL N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Low noise gain controlled input stages of UHF- and VHF-tuners with 5V supply voltage • Two AGC amplifiers in one single package • Integrated gate protection diodes • Low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance • Improved cross modulation at gain reduction • High AGC-range BG3140BG3140R EHA07461 GND G1 G2 Drain AGC HF Input HF Output +DC GG V G1 R A B 4 56 123 123 4 56 A B ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution! TypePackagePin ConfigurationMarking BG3140 BG3140R SOT363 SOT363 1=G1 1=G1 2=G2 2=S 3=D 3=D 4=D 4=D 5=S 5=G2 6=G1 6=G1 KDs KKs 180° rotated tape loading orientation available Maximum Ratings Parameter SymbolValueUnit Drain-source voltageV DS 8V Continuous drain currentI D 25mA Gate 1/ gate 2-source current±I G1/2SM 1 Gate 1/ gate 2-source voltage±V G1/G2S 6V Total power dissipation, T S ≤78°CP tot 160mW Storage temperatureT stg -55 ... 150 °C Channel temperatureT ch 150 Thermal Resistance Parameter SymbolValueUnit Channel - soldering point 1) R thchs ≤280 K/W 1 For calculation of R thJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance

Feb-27-2004 1 BG3140... VPS05604 6 3 1 5 4 2 DUAL N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • Low noise gain controlled input stages of UHF- and VHF-tuners with 5V supply voltage • Two AGC amplifiers in one single package • Integrated gate protection diodes • Low noise figure • High gain, high forward transadmittance • Improved cross modulation at gain reduction • High AGC-range BG3140BG3140R EHA07461 GND G1 G2 Drain AGC HF Input HF Output +DC GG V G1 R A B 4 56 123 123 4 56 A B ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution! TypePackagePin ConfigurationMarking BG3140 BG3140R SOT363 SOT363 1=G1 1=G1 2=G2 2=S 3=D 3=D 4=D 4=D 5=S 5=G2 6=G1 6=G1 KDs KKs 180° rotated tape loading orientation available Maximum Ratings Parameter SymbolValueUnit Drain-source voltageV DS 8V Continuous drain currentI D 25mA Gate 1/ gate 2-source current±I G1/2SM 1 Gate 1/ gate 2-source voltage±V G1/G2S 6V Total power dissipation, T S ≤78°CP tot 160mW Storage temperatureT stg -55 ... 150 °C Channel temperatureT ch 150 Thermal Resistance Parameter SymbolValueUnit Channel - soldering point 1) R thchs ≤280 K/W 1 For calculation of R thJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance