BH4138FV datasheet pdf

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BH4138FV datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 10

664 Communication ICs 2nd mixer and IF amplifier IC for digital cellular BH4138FV The BH4138FV is an IC developed for use with digital cellular phones. This IC contains a 2nd mixer and IF amplifier. Applications Digital cellular phones Features 1) Mixer circuit, IF amplifier, and RSSI circuit are built- in. 2) Mixer input frequency response 10MHz to 200MHz. 3) The recommended IF amplifier frequencies are 450kHz and 455kHz. 4) High gain IF amplifier (100dB). 5) Battery saving function. 6) Buffer amplifier for RSSI. 7) Low voltage operation (2.3V to 5.5V). Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C) Recommended operating conditions (Ta = 25C)