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BH7659S / BH7659FS Multimedia ICs Input selector for high resolution displays BH7659S / BH7659FS The BH7659S / BH7659FS are input signal switching ICs developed for high resolution displays that have three fc = 250MHz wide-band video switching circuits for RGB video signal switching and four CMOS analog switching circuits for switching between H D and V D signals as well as I 2 C bus signals (SDA and SCL). z zz z Applications High-resolution displays and high-definition TVs z zz z Features 1) Operates with a 5V power supply voltage. 2) Built-in, wide-band switching circuit for RGB switching (fc = 250MHz). 3) SDA and SCL as well as H D and V D signal switching is possible. 4) Built-in power save function. z zz zAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25°C) ParameterSymbolLimitsUnit Operating temperature Storage temperature Topr Tstg 1300 ∗1 (SDIP32) 800 ∗2 (SSOP−A32) °C °C ∗ 1 Reduced by 13mW for each increase in Ta of 1 ̊C over 25 ̊C. ∗ 2 Reduced by 8.0mW for each increase in Ta of 1 ̊C over 25 ̊C. – 25 ~ + 75 – 55 ~ + 125 Power dissipationPd Power supply voltageV CC8.0V mW z zz zRecommended operating conditions (Ta = 25°C) ParameterSymbolUnitMax.Typ.Min. Operating power supply voltageV CC4.55.05.5V Not designed for radiation resistance.