OPI120-1.PDF datasheet pdf

OPI120-1.PDF datasheet pdf PDF Viewer

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OPI120-1.PDF datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 3

Optically Coupled Isolator OPI120, OPI123

Each Optoisolator in this data sheet contains an infrared Light Emitting Diode (LED) and a NPN silicon Photosensor. The OPI120 has an 890 nm Light Emitting Diode (LED) and NPN phototransistor sensor, whereas the OP123 has a 890 nm LED and a photodarlington sensor. The devices are sealed in a precast opaque housing with a optically transmissive path between the LED and the photosensor.

© TT electronics plc General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. Issue C 10/2017 Page 1 TT Electronics | OPTEK Technology, Inc. 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 sensors@ttelectronics.com | www.ttelectronics.com Description: