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TA=100°CIR 1. Pulse test 300μs pulse width, 1% duty cycle.
At rated DC blocking voltage Typical junction capacitance (Note 2) Operating junction temperature range VRRM VRMS VDC I(AV) IFSM VF IR CJ TJ -65 to +150 V V V A A V pF °C/W mA NOTES: 2. .Measured at 1.0MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0 Volts Storage temperature range 3. Thermal resistance junction to ambient and from junction to lead P.C.B mounted 0.500”(12.7mm)lead length with 2.5*2.5”(63.5*63.5mm) copper pad.. TSTG °C °C Typical t (Note 3)hermal resistance RθJA RθJL 20 2040 40 45 45 50 5060 6080 80100 100 14 28 3035 42 5670 5.0 -65 to +150-65 to +125 30 50 35.0 15.0 0.5 0.55 0.850.70 350 100 SB 520-G SB 540-G SB 545-G SB 550-G SB 560-G SB 5100-G SB 580-G Comchip SMD Diode Specialist 135 TA=25°C