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Pre-production Mimix Broadband, Inc., 10795 Rockley Rd., Houston, Texas 77099 Tel: 281.988.4600 Fax: 281.988.4615 mimixbroadband.com Characteristic Data and Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2005 Mimix Broadband, Inc. Export of this item may require appropriate export licensing from the U.S. Government. In purchasing these parts, U.S. Domestic customers accept their obligation to be compliant with U.S. Export Laws. Mimix Broadband's 10.0-18.0 GHz GaAs MMIC transmitter provides +17 dBm output third order intercept and 15 dB image rejection across the band. This device is an image reject, balanced mixer followed by a two stage output amplifier. The image reject mixer reduces the need for unwanted sideband filtering before the power amplifier. I and Q mixer inputs are provided and an external 90 degree hybrid is required to select the desired sideband. This MMIC uses Mimix Broadband’s 0.15 μm GaAs PHEMT device model technology, and is based upon electron beam lithography to ensure high repeatability and uniformity. The chip has surface passivation to protect and provide a rugged part with backside via holes and gold metallization to allow either a conductive epoxy or eutectic solder die attach process. This device is well suited for Millimeter-wave Point-to-Point Radio, LMDS, SATCOM and VSAT applications. 10.0-18.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Transmitter Electrical Characteristics (Ambient Temperature T = 25 o C) Page 1 of 8 Integrated Mixer, LO Buffer and Output Amplifier 8 dB Conversion Gain 15 dB Image Rejection +17 dBm OIP3 +6 dBm LO Drive Level -12 dBm LO Leakage Power 100% On-Wafer RF and DC Testing 100% Visual Inspection to MIL-STD-883 Method 2010 Features General Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage (Vd) Supply Current (Id1,2,3) Gate Bias Voltage (Vg) Input Power (IF Pin) Storage Temperature ( Tstg) Operating Temperature ( Ta) Channel Temperature ( Tch) +6.0 VDC 250,150,250 mA +0.3 VDC 0.0 dBm -65 to +165 O C -55 to MTTF Table MTTF Table Chip Device Layout Units GHz GHz GHz dB dB dBm dB dBm VDC VDC VDC VDC mA mA mA mA Min. 10.0 7.0 DC - - - - - - - - -1.2 - - - - Typ. - - - 18.0 9.0 +6.0 18.0 +17.0 +5.0 -5.0 -0.6 -0.1 140 70 140 140 Max. 18.0 21.0 3.0 - - - - - +5.5 - - +0.1 200 100 200 200 Parameter Frequency Range (RF) Upper Side Band Frequency Range (LO) Frequency Range (IF) Output Return Loss RF (S22) Small Signal Conversion Gain IF/RF (S21) LO Input Drive (P LO) Isolation LO/RF Output Third Order Intercept (OIP3) Drain Bias Voltage (Vd1,2,3) Source Bias Voltage (Vs1) Gate Bias Voltage (Vg1), Mixer Gate Bias Voltage (Vg2,3) Supply Current (Id1) (Vd1=5.0V) Supply Current (Id2) (Vd2=5.0V, Vg=-0.1V Typical) Supply Current (Id3) (Vd3=5.0V, Vg=-0.1V Typical) Supply Current (Iss) (Vss=-5.0V) (1) Channel temperature affects a device's MTTF. It is recommended to keep channel temperature as low as possible for maximum life. 1 1 14TX0614 September 2005 - Rev 01-Sep-05