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BDW93C BDW94B/BDW94C COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER DARLINGTON TRANSISTORS nSTMicroelectronics PREFERRED SALESTYPES nCOMPLEMENTARY PNP - NPN DEVICES nINTEGRATED ANTIPARALLEL COLLECTOR-EMITTER DIODE APPLICATIONS nLINEAR AND SWITCHING INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION The BDW93C is a silicon Epitaxial-Base NPN powertransistorinmonolithicDarlington configuration mounted in Jedec TO-220 plastic package. It is intented for use in power linear and switching applications. The complementary PNP type is BDW94C. Also BDW94B is a PNP type. INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM October 1999 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symb olP arameterVal ueUn it NPNBDW93C PNPBDW94BBDW94C V CBO Collector-Base Voltage (I E = 0)80100V V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage (I B = 0)80100V I C Collector Current12A I CM Collector Peak Current15A I B Base Current0.2A P tot Total Dissipation at T c ≤ 25