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BF 2000W Semiconductor Group Au -17-19981 Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode Target data sheet • Short-channel transistor with high S/C quality factor • For low-noise, gain-controlled input stages up to 1 GHz VPS05605 4 2 1 3 PackageTypeMarkingOrdering CodePin Configuration BF 2000WNDsQ62702-F17724 = G2SOT-3431 = D2 = S3 = G1 Maximum Ratings Parameter SymbolUnitValue V DS 12Drain-source voltageV 30 I D mAContinuos drain current 10 ±I G1/2SM Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current Total power dissipation, T S = 76 °C mW P tot 200 Storage temperature- 55 ...+150°C T stg T ch 150Channel temperature Thermal Resistance ≤280 K/WChannel - soldering point R thchs Semiconductor Group11998-11-01