BF2030W datasheet pdf

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BF2030W datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 2

BF 2030W Semiconductor Group Jun-05-19981 Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode Preliminary data • For low noise, high gain controlled input stages up to 1GHz • Operating voltage 5V VPS05605 4 2 1 3 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution TypeMarkingOrdering CodePin ConfigurationPackage BF 2030WNEsQ62702-F17741 = D2 = S3 = G14 = G2SOT-343 Maximum Ratings Unit ParameterValueSymbol Drain-source voltageV DS V14 40mAContinuos drain currentI D Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current±I G1/2SM 10 Gate 1 (external biasing)+V G1SE 7V 200mWTotal power dissipation, T S = 94 °CP tot Storage temperatureT stg °C-55 ...+150 Channel temperatureT ch 150 Thermal Resistance Channel - soldering point ≤280K/WR thchs Semiconductor Group11998-11-01

BF 2030W Semiconductor Group Jun-05-19981 Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode Preliminary data • For low noise, high gain controlled input stages up to 1GHz • Operating voltage 5V VPS05605 4 2 1 3 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution TypeMarkingOrdering CodePin ConfigurationPackage BF 2030WNEsQ62702-F17741 = D2 = S3 = G14 = G2SOT-343 Maximum Ratings Unit ParameterValueSymbol Drain-source voltageV DS V14 40mAContinuos drain currentI D Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current±I G1/2SM 10 Gate 1 (external biasing)+V G1SE 7V 200mWTotal power dissipation, T S = 94 °CP tot Storage temperatureT stg °C-55 ...+150 Channel temperatureT ch 150 Thermal Resistance Channel - soldering point ≤280K/WR thchs Semiconductor Group11998-11-01