BF995 (1) datasheet pdf

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BF995 (1) datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 10

Semiconductor Group1 Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode BF 995 lFor input and mixer stages in FM and VHF TV tuners Maximum Ratings TypeMarking Package 1) Pin Configuration BF 995Q62702-F936MBSOT-143 1234 SDG2G1 Ordering Code (tape and reel) ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Drain-source voltageV DS20V Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering pointRth JS< 370K/W Total power dissipation,TS < 76 ̊CPtot200mW Storage temperature rangeT stg– 55 ... + 150 ̊C Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current ±IG1/2SM10 Channel temperatureTch150 mADrain currentID30 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. 07.94

Semiconductor Group1 Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode BF 995 lFor input and mixer stages in FM and VHF TV tuners Maximum Ratings TypeMarking Package 1) Pin Configuration BF 995Q62702-F936MBSOT-143 1234 SDG2G1 Ordering Code (tape and reel) ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Drain-source voltageV DS20V Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering pointRth JS< 370K/W Total power dissipation,TS < 76 ̊CPtot200mW Storage temperature rangeT stg– 55 ... + 150 ̊C Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current ±IG1/2SM10 Channel temperatureTch150 mADrain currentID30 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. 07.94