BF997 (1) datasheet pdf

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BF997 (1) datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 7

Semiconductor Group1 Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode BF 997 lIntegrated suppression network against spurious VHF oscillations lFor VHF applications, especially in TV tuners with extended VHF band, e. g. in CATV tuners Maximum Ratings TypeMarking Package 1) Pin Configuration BF 997Q62702-F1055MKSOT-143 1234 SDG2G1 Ordering Code (tape and reel) ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Drain-source voltageV DS20V Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering point R th JS< 370K/W Total power dissipation,TS < 76 ̊CPtot200mW Storage temperature rangeT stg– 55 ... + 150 ̊C Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current ±IG1/2SM10 Channel temperatureTch150 mADrain currentID30 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines.. 07.94

Semiconductor Group1 Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode BF 997 lIntegrated suppression network against spurious VHF oscillations lFor VHF applications, especially in TV tuners with extended VHF band, e. g. in CATV tuners Maximum Ratings TypeMarking Package 1) Pin Configuration BF 997Q62702-F1055MKSOT-143 1234 SDG2G1 Ordering Code (tape and reel) ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Drain-source voltageV DS20V Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering point R th JS< 370K/W Total power dissipation,TS < 76 ̊CPtot200mW Storage temperature rangeT stg– 55 ... + 150 ̊C Gate 1/gate 2 peak source current ±IG1/2SM10 Channel temperatureTch150 mADrain currentID30 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines.. 07.94