BFP196 datasheet pdf

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BFP196 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 7

≤ 77 °C P tot 700 mW Junction temperatureT j 150°C Ambient temperatureT A - 65 ... + 150 Storage temperatureT stg - 65 ... + 150 Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering point 1) R thJS ≤ 105K/W 1) T S is measured on the collector lead at the soldering point to the pcb.

Semiconductor Group1Dec-13-1996 BFP 196 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low noise, low distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications systems up to 1.5GHz at collector currents from 20mA to 80mA • Power amplifier for DECT and PCN systems • f T = 7.5GHz F = 1.5 dB at 900MHz ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution! TypeMarkingOrdering CodePin ConfigurationPackage BFP 196RIsQ62702-F13201 = C2 = E3 = B4 = ESOT-143 Maximum Ratings Parameter SymbolValuesUnit Collector-emitter voltageV CEO 12V Collector-emitter voltageV CES 20 Collector-base voltageV CBO 20 Emitter-base voltageV EBO 2 Collector currentI C 100mA Base currentI B 12 Total power dissipation T S