BFQ149 datasheet pdf

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BFQ149 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 6

NXP SemiconductorsProduct specification PNP 5 GHz wideband transistorBFQ149 DESCRIPTION PNPtransistorinaSOT89envelope. It is intended for use in UHFapplicationssuchasbroadband aerialamplifiers(30to860MHz)and inmicrowaveamplifierssuchasradar systems, spectrum analysers, etc., using SMD technology. PINNING PINDESCRIPTION Code: FG 1emitter 2collector 3base Fig.1 SOT89. 321 QUICK REFERENCE DATA LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134). Note 1. T s is the temperature at the soldering point of the collector tab. SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX. UNIT V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base−−−15V I C DC collector current−−−100mA P tot total power dissipationup to T s = 135°C (note 1)−−1W h FE DC current gainI C =−70 mA; V CE =−10 V; T j = 25°C2050− f T transition frequencyI C =−75 mA; V CE =−10 V; f = 500 MHz; T j = 25°C 45−GHz G UM maximum unilateral power gainI C =−50 mA; V CE =−10 V; f = 500 MHz; T amb = 25°C −12−dB Fnoise figureI C =−50 mA; V CE =−10 V; R s =60Ω;f = 500 MHz; T amb = 25°C −3.75−dB SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNIT V CBO collector-base voltageopen emitter−−20V V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base−−15V V EBO emitter-base voltageopen collector−−3V I C DC collector current−−100mA I CM peak collector currentf>1 MHz−−150mA P tot total power dissipationup to T s = 135°C (note 1)−1W T stg storage temperature−65150°C T j junction temperature−150°C Rev. 03 - 28 September 20072 of 7

NXP SemiconductorsProduct specification PNP 5 GHz wideband transistorBFQ149 DESCRIPTION PNPtransistorinaSOT89envelope. It is intended for use in UHFapplicationssuchasbroadband aerialamplifiers(30to860MHz)and inmicrowaveamplifierssuchasradar systems, spectrum analysers, etc., using SMD technology. PINNING PINDESCRIPTION Code: FG 1emitter 2collector 3base Fig.1 SOT89. 321 QUICK REFERENCE DATA LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134). Note 1. T s is the temperature at the soldering point of the collector tab. SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX. UNIT V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base−−−15V I C DC collector current−−−100mA P tot total power dissipationup to T s = 135°C (note 1)−−1W h FE DC current gainI C =−70 mA; V CE =−10 V; T j = 25°C2050− f T transition frequencyI C =−75 mA; V CE =−10 V; f = 500 MHz; T j = 25°C 45−GHz G UM maximum unilateral power gainI C =−50 mA; V CE =−10 V; f = 500 MHz; T amb = 25°C −12−dB Fnoise figureI C =−50 mA; V CE =−10 V; R s =60Ω;f = 500 MHz; T amb = 25°C −3.75−dB SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNIT V CBO collector-base voltageopen emitter−−20V V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base−−15V V EBO emitter-base voltageopen collector−−3V I C DC collector current−−100mA I CM peak collector currentf>1 MHz−−150mA P tot total power dissipationup to T s = 135°C (note 1)−1W T stg storage temperature−65150°C T j junction temperature−150°C Rev. 03 - 28 September 20072 of 7