BFR540 datasheet pdf

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BFR540 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 14

1. Product profile 1.1 General description The BFR540 is an NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor in a SOT23 plastic package. 1.2 Features and benefits High power gain Low noise figure High transition frequency Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability. 1.3 Applications RF front end wideband applications in the GHz range Analog and digital cellular telephones Cordless telephones (CT1, CT2, DECT, etc.) Radar detectors Satellite TV tuners (SATV) MATV/CATV amplifiers Repeater amplifiers in fiber-optic systems. 1.4 Quick reference data

  • 1. Product profile
  • 1.1 General description
  • 1.2 Features and benefits
  • 1.3 Applications
  • 1.4 Quick reference data
BFR540 NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor Rev. 6 — 13 September 2011Product data sheet SOT23 Table 1.Quick reference data SymbolParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnit V CBO collector-base voltageopen emitter--20V V CES collector-emitter voltage R BE =0--15V I C collector current (DC)--120mA P tot total power dissipationT sp 70C [1] --500mW h FE DC current gainI C =40mA; V CE = 8 V100120250 C re feedback capacitanceI C =i c =0A; V CB =8V; f=1MHz -0.6-pF f T transition frequencyI C =40mA; V CE =8V; f=1GHz -9-GHz G UM maximum unilateral power gain I C =40mA; V CE =8V; T amb =25C f=900MHz-14-dB f=2GHz-7-dB