BFR92A datasheet pdf

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BFR92A datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 11

NXP SemiconductorsProduct specification NPN 5GHz wideband transistorBFR92A FEATURES •High power gain •Low noise figure •Low intermodulation distortion. APPLICATIONS •RF wideband amplifiers and oscillators. DESCRIPTION NPN wideband transistor in a plastic SOT23 package. PNP complement: BFT92. PINNING PINDESCRIPTION 1base 2emitter 3collector Fig.1 SOT23. page MSB003Top view 12 3 Marking code: P2%. QUICK REFERENCE DATA LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Note 1. T s is the temperature at the soldering point of the collector pin. SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSTYP.MAX.UNIT V CBO collector-base voltage−20V V CEO collector-emitter voltage−15V I C collector current (DC)−25mA P tot total power dissipationT s ≤95°C−300mW C re feedback capacitanceI C =i c = 0; V CE = 10 V; f = 1 MHz0.35−pF f T transition frequencyI C = 15 mA; V CE = 10 V; f = 500 MHz5−GHz G UM maximum unilateral power gainI C = 15 mA; V CE = 10 V; f = 1 GHz; T amb =25°C 14−dB I C = 15 mA; V CE = 10 V; f = 2 GHz; T amb =25°C 8−dB Fnoise figureI C = 5 mA; V CE = 10 V; f = 1 GHz; Γ s =Γ opt ; T amb =25°C 2.1−dB V O output voltaged im =−60 dB; I C = 14 mA; V CE =10V; R L =75Ω;f p +f q −f r = 793.25 MHz 150−mV SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNIT V CBO collector-base voltageopen emitter−20V V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base−15V V EBO emitter-base voltageopen collector−2V I C collector current (DC)−25mA P tot total power dissipationT s ≤95°C; note 1; see Fig.3−300mW T stg storage temperature−65+150°C T j junction temperature−175°C Rev. 04 - 2 March 20092 of 12

  • •High power gain
  • •Low noise figure
  • •Low intermodulation distortion.
  • •RF wideband amplifiers and
  • 1. T
  • 2.1−dB