BFR93R datasheet pdf

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BFR93R datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 7

BFR93/BFR93R Vishay Telefunken • FaxBack +1-408-970-5600 Rev. 3, 20-Jan-99 1 (7) Document Number 85034 Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications RF amplifier up to GHz range specially for wide band antenna amplifier. Features DHigh power gain DLow noise figure DHigh transition frequency 13 581 23 1 94 9280 BFR93 Marking: R1 Plastic case (SOT 23) 1 = Collector, 2 = Base, 3 = Emitter 13 581 23 1 9510527 BFR93R Marking: R4 Plastic case (SOT 23) 1 = Collector, 2 = Base, 3 = Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25_C, unless otherwise specified ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Collector-base voltageV CBO 20V Collector-emitter voltageV CEO 12V Emitter-base voltageV EBO 2V Collector currentI C 40mA Total power dissipationT amb ≤ 60 °CP tot 200mW Junction temperatureT j 150°C Storage temperature rangeT stg –65 to +150°C Maximum Thermal Resistance T amb = 25_C, unless otherwise specified ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Junction ambienton glass fibre printed board (25 x 20 x 1.5) mm 3 plated with 35mm Cu R thJA 450K/W

BFR93/BFR93R Vishay Telefunken • FaxBack +1-408-970-5600 Rev. 3, 20-Jan-99 1 (7) Document Number 85034 Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications RF amplifier up to GHz range specially for wide band antenna amplifier. Features DHigh power gain DLow noise figure DHigh transition frequency 13 581 23 1 94 9280 BFR93 Marking: R1 Plastic case (SOT 23) 1 = Collector, 2 = Base, 3 = Emitter 13 581 23 1 9510527 BFR93R Marking: R4 Plastic case (SOT 23) 1 = Collector, 2 = Base, 3 = Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25_C, unless otherwise specified ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Collector-base voltageV CBO 20V Collector-emitter voltageV CEO 12V Emitter-base voltageV EBO 2V Collector currentI C 40mA Total power dissipationT amb ≤ 60 °CP tot 200mW Junction temperatureT j 150°C Storage temperature rangeT stg –65 to +150°C Maximum Thermal Resistance T amb = 25_C, unless otherwise specified ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Junction ambienton glass fibre printed board (25 x 20 x 1.5) mm 3 plated with 35mm Cu R thJA 450K/W