BFT25A datasheet pdf

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BFT25A datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 15

1. Product profile 1.1 General description The BFT25A is a silicon NPN transistor, primarily intended for use in RF low power amplifiers, such as pocket telephones and paging systems with signal frequencies up to2GHz. The transistor is encapsulated in a 3-pin plastic SOT23 envelope. 1.2 Features and benefits Low current consumption (100 A to 1 mA) Low noise figure Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability. 1.3 Quick reference data

  • 1. Product profile
  • 1.1 General description
  • 1.2 Features and benefits
  • 1.3 Quick reference data
[1]T s is the temperature at the soldering point of the collector tab. BFT25A NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor Rev. 5 — 12 September 2011Product data sheet SOT23 Table 1.Quick reference data SymbolParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnit V CBO collector-base voltage open emitter--8V V CEO collector-emitter voltage open base--5V I C DC collector current --6.5mA P tot total power dissipation up to T s = 165 C [1] --32mW h FE DC current gainI C = 0.5 mA; V CE = 1 V5080200 f T transition frequency I C = 1 mA; V CE = 1 V; T amb =25C; f = 500 MHz 3.55-GHz G UM maximum unilateral power gain I C = 0.5 mA; V CE = 1 V; T amb = 25 C; f=1 GHz -15-dB Fnoise figure= opt ; I C = 0.5 mA; V CE = 1 V; T amb =25 C; f = 1 GHz -1.8-dB = opt ; I C = 1 mA; V CE = 1 V; T amb =25 C; f = 1 GHz -2-dB