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BGA420 Jan-29-20021 in SIEGET 25-Technologie Si-MMIC-Amplifier Cascadable 50 -gain block Unconditionally stable Gain |S 21 | 2 = 13 dB at 1.8 GHz IP 3out = +13 dBm at 1.8 GHz (V D = 3 V, I D = typ. 6.7 mA) Noise figure NF = 2.3 dB at 1.8 GHz Reverse isolation > 28 dB and return loss IN / OUT > 12 dB at 1.8 GHz VPS05605 4 2 1 3 EHA07385 D V 4 2 1 IN OUT 3 GND Circuit Diagram ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution! TypeMarkingPin ConfigurationPackage BGA420BLs1, IN2, GND3, OUT4, VD SOT343 Maximum Ratings Parameter SymbolValueUnit Device current I D 15mA Device voltage V D 6V Total power dissipation T S = 110 °C P tot 90mW RF input power P RFin 0dBm Junction temperature T j 150°C Ambient temperature T A -65 ... 150 Storage temperature T stg -65 ... 150 Thermal Resistance Junction - soldering point 1) R thJS 410 K/W 1 For calculation of R thJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance