BGX50A datasheet pdf

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BGX50A datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 4

Semiconductor Group1 Silicon Switching Diode Array BGX 50 A Maximum Ratings per Diode TypeOrdering Code (tape and reel) Marking Package 1) Pin Configuration BGX 50 AQ62702-G38U1sSOT-143 ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Reverse voltageV R50V Forward currentIF140mA Junction temperatureTj150 ̊C Total power dissipation,T S=74 ̊CPtot210mW Storage temperature rangeT stg– 65 ... + 150 Peak reverse voltageVRM70 Thermal Resistance Junction - ambient 2) Rth JA≤ 640K/W Junction - soldering pointRth JS≤ 360 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. 2) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm× 40 mm× 1.5 mm/6 cm 2 Cu. lBridge configuration lHigh-speed switch diode chip 5.91

Semiconductor Group1 Silicon Switching Diode Array BGX 50 A Maximum Ratings per Diode TypeOrdering Code (tape and reel) Marking Package 1) Pin Configuration BGX 50 AQ62702-G38U1sSOT-143 ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Reverse voltageV R50V Forward currentIF140mA Junction temperatureTj150 ̊C Total power dissipation,T S=74 ̊CPtot210mW Storage temperature rangeT stg– 65 ... + 150 Peak reverse voltageVRM70 Thermal Resistance Junction - ambient 2) Rth JA≤ 640K/W Junction - soldering pointRth JS≤ 360 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. 2) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm× 40 mm× 1.5 mm/6 cm 2 Cu. lBridge configuration lHigh-speed switch diode chip 5.91