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BPW20R Vishay Telefunken 1 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99 www.vishay.de •FaxBack +1-408-970-5600 Document Number 81517 Silicon PN Photodiode Description BPW20R is a planar Silicon PN photodiode in a hermetically sealed short TO–5 case, especially de- signed for high precision linear applications. Due to its extremely high dark resistance, the short cir- cuit photocurrent is linear over seven decades of illumination level. On the other hand, there is a strictly logarithmic correlation between open circuit voltage and illumina- tion over the same range. Equipped with a clear, flat glass window, the spectral responsitivity reaches from blue to near infrared. 94 8482 Features DHermetically sealed TO–5 case DFlat glass window DCathode connected to case DWide viewing angle φ = ± 50 ° DLarge radiant sensitive area (A=7.5 mm 2 ) DSuitable for visible and near infrared radiation DHigh sensitivity DUV enhanced DLow dark current DHigh shunt resistance DExcellent linearity DFor photodiode and photovoltaic cell operation Applications Sensor for light measuring techniques in cameras, photometers, color analyzers, exposure meters (e.g. solari- ums) and other medical and industrial measuring and control applications. Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25_C ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Reverse VoltageV R 10V Power Dissipation T amb x 50 °C P V 300mW Junction TemperatureT j 125°C Operating Temperature RangeT amb –55...+125°C Storage Temperature RangeT stg –55...+125°C Soldering Temperature t x 5 s T sd 260°C Thermal Resistance Junction/AmbientR thJA 250K/W