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BPW41N Vishay Telefunken 1 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99 www.vishay.de •FaxBack +1-408-970-5600 Document Number 81522 Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPW41N is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photo- diode in a flat side view plastic package. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs on GaAlAs IR emitters (l p = 950 nm). The large active area combined with a flat case gives a high sensitivity at a wide viewing angle. Features DLarge radiant sensitive area (A=7.5 mm 2 ) DWide angle of half sensitivity φ = ± 65° DHigh radiant sensitivity DFast response times DSmall junction capacitance DPlastic case with IR filter (l=950 nm) DSuitable for near infrared radiation 94 8480 Applications High speed photo detector Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25_C ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Reverse VoltageV R 60V Power Dissipation T amb x 25 °C P V 215mW Junction TemperatureT j 100°C Storage Temperature RangeT stg –55...+100°C Soldering Temperature t x 5 s T sd 260°C Thermal Resistance Junction/AmbientR thJA 350K/W