BPW43 datasheet pdf

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BPW43 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 5

BPW43 Vishay Telefunken 1 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99 www.vishay.de •FaxBack +1-408-970-5600 Document Number 81523 Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPW43 is a very high speed PIN photodiode in a stan- dard T–1¾ plastic package. Due to its waterclear epoxy the device is sensitive to visible and infrared radiation. It features low capacitance and high speed even at low supply voltages. Features DExtra fast response times DRadiant sensitive area A=0.78mm 2 DStandard T–1¾ (ø 5 mm ) clear package DAngle of half sensitivity φ = ± 25° DSuitable for visible and near infrared radiation 94 8391 Applications High speed photo detector Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25_C ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Reverse VoltageV R 32V Power Dissipation T amb x 25 °C P V 215mW Junction TemperatureT j 100°C Storage Temperature RangeT stg –25...+100°C Soldering Temperature t x 3 s T sd 245°C Thermal Resistance Junction/AmbientR thJA 350K/W

BPW43 Vishay Telefunken 1 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99 www.vishay.de •FaxBack +1-408-970-5600 Document Number 81523 Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPW43 is a very high speed PIN photodiode in a stan- dard T–1¾ plastic package. Due to its waterclear epoxy the device is sensitive to visible and infrared radiation. It features low capacitance and high speed even at low supply voltages. Features DExtra fast response times DRadiant sensitive area A=0.78mm 2 DStandard T–1¾ (ø 5 mm ) clear package DAngle of half sensitivity φ = ± 25° DSuitable for visible and near infrared radiation 94 8391 Applications High speed photo detector Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25_C ParameterTest ConditionsSymbolValueUnit Reverse VoltageV R 32V Power Dissipation T amb x 25 °C P V 215mW Junction TemperatureT j 100°C Storage Temperature RangeT stg –25...+100°C Soldering Temperature t x 3 s T sd 245°C Thermal Resistance Junction/AmbientR thJA 350K/W