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BPW46L Document Number 81525 Rev. 1.3, 08-Mar-05 Vishay Semiconductors www.vishay.com 1 14439 Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPW46L is a high speed and high sensitive PIN pho- todiode in a flat side view plastic package. Due to its waterclear epoxy the device is sensitive to visible and infrared radiation. The large active area combined with a flat case gives a high sensitivity at a wide viewing angle. Features • Long lead package (33.2 mm) • Large radiant sensitive area (A = 7.5 mm 2 ) • Wide angle of half sensitivity φ = ± 65 ° • High photo sensitivity • Fast response times • Small junction capacitance • Clear plastic case • Suitable for visible and near infrared radiation • Lead-free component • Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC Applications High speed photo detector Absolute Maximum Ratings T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified Electrical Characteristics T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified ParameterTest conditionSymbolValueUnit Reverse VoltageV R 60V Power DissipationT amb ≤ 25 °CP V 215mW Junction TemperatureT j 100°C Storage Temperature RangeT stg - 55 to + 100°C Soldering Temperaturet ≤ 5 sT sd 260°C Thermal Resistance Junction/ Ambient R thJA 350K/W ParameterTest conditionSymbolMinTy p .MaxUnit Breakdown VoltageI R = 100 μA, E = 0V (BR) 60V Reverse Dark CurrentV R = 10 V, E = 0I ro 230nA Diode capacitanceV R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D 70pF V R = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D 2540pF