HY27SSXXX datasheet pdf

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HY27SSXXX datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 44

This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied. Rev 0.7 / Oct. 20041 HY27SS(08/16)561M Series HY27US(08/16)561M Series 256Mbit (32Mx8bit / 16Mx16bit) NAND Flash Document Title 256Mbit (32Mx8bit / 16Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision History No.HistoryDraft DateRemark 0.0Initial DraftJul. 10. 2003Preliminary 0.1Renewal Product GroupDec. 08. 2003Preliminary 0.2Append 1.8V Operation Product to Data sheetDec. 08. 2003Preliminary 0.3 Insert Spare Enable function for GND Pin(#6) - In case of Reading or Programming, GND Pin(#6) should be Low or High. - Change the test condition of Stand-by current-Refer to Table 13. Change CSP Package name & thickness - Name : VFBGA -> FBGA - Thickness : 1.0mm(max) -> 1.2mm(max) Mar. 08. 2004Preliminary 0.4 1) Delete Cache Program Mode 2) Modify the description of Device Operations - /CE Don’t Care Enabled(Disabled) -> Sequential Row Read Disabled(Enabled) (Page23) Jun. 01. 2004Preliminary 0.5 1) change FBGA dimension : Thickness : 1.2mm(max) -> 1.0mm(max) 2) Edit Fig.33 read operation with CE don't care Sep. 24. 2004Preliminary 0.6 1) Change TSOP1,WSOP1,FBGA package dimension - Change TSOP1,WSOP1,FBGA mechanical data - Inches parameter has been excluded from the mechanical data table Oct. 18. 2004Preliminary 0.7 1) Change TSOP1, WSOP1, FBGA package dimension 2) Edit TSOP1, WSOP1 package figures 3) Change FBGA package figure Oct. 20. 2004 www.DataSheet4U.com

This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied. Rev 0.7 / Oct. 20041 HY27SS(08/16)561M Series HY27US(08/16)561M Series 256Mbit (32Mx8bit / 16Mx16bit) NAND Flash Document Title 256Mbit (32Mx8bit / 16Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision History No.HistoryDraft DateRemark 0.0Initial DraftJul. 10. 2003Preliminary 0.1Renewal Product GroupDec. 08. 2003Preliminary 0.2Append 1.8V Operation Product to Data sheetDec. 08. 2003Preliminary 0.3 Insert Spare Enable function for GND Pin(#6) - In case of Reading or Programming, GND Pin(#6) should be Low or High. - Change the test condition of Stand-by current-Refer to Table 13. Change CSP Package name & thickness - Name : VFBGA -> FBGA - Thickness : 1.0mm(max) -> 1.2mm(max) Mar. 08. 2004Preliminary 0.4 1) Delete Cache Program Mode 2) Modify the description of Device Operations - /CE Don’t Care Enabled(Disabled) -> Sequential Row Read Disabled(Enabled) (Page23) Jun. 01. 2004Preliminary 0.5 1) change FBGA dimension : Thickness : 1.2mm(max) -> 1.0mm(max) 2) Edit Fig.33 read operation with CE don't care Sep. 24. 2004Preliminary 0.6 1) Change TSOP1,WSOP1,FBGA package dimension - Change TSOP1,WSOP1,FBGA mechanical data - Inches parameter has been excluded from the mechanical data table Oct. 18. 2004Preliminary 0.7 1) Change TSOP1, WSOP1, FBGA package dimension 2) Edit TSOP1, WSOP1 package figures 3) Change FBGA package figure Oct. 20. 2004 www.DataSheet4U.com