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1 ) Mounted on P.C. board with 3 mm 2 copper pad at each terminal Montage auf Leiterplatte mit 3 mm 2 Kupferbelag (Lötpad) an jedem Anschluß 2 ) Tested with pulses t p = 300 :s, duty cycle # 2% – Gemessen mit Impulsen t p = 300 :s, Schaltverhältnis # 2% 12 1 2 3 Type Code 2.1 ±0.1 2 ±0.1 0.9 ±0.1 1.25 ±0.1 465 6.56.5 2.4 BC846S ... BC848SGeneral Purpose Transistors NPNSurface mount Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistorsNPN Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistoren für die Oberflächenmontage Version 2004-04-09 Dimensions / Maße in mm Power dissipation – Verlustleistung310 mW Plastic caseSOT-363 Kunststoffgehäuse Weight approx. – Gewicht ca.0.01 g Plastic material has UL classification 94V-0 Gehäusematerial UL94V-0 klassifiziert 6 = C15 = B24 = E2 1 = E12 = B13 = C2 Standard packaging taped and reeled Standard Lieferform gegurtet auf Rolle Maximum ratings (T A = 25/C)Grenzwerte (T A = 25/C) BC846SBC847SBC848S Collector-Emitter-voltageB openV CE0 65 V45 V30 V Collector-Base-voltageE openV CB0 80 V50 V30 V Emitter-Base-voltageC openV EB0 6 V5 V Power dissipation – VerlustleistungP tot 310 mW 1 ) Collector current – Kollektorstrom (dc)I C 100 mA Peak Collector current – Kollektor-SpitzenstromI CM 200 mA Peak Base current – Basis-SpitzenstromI BM 200 mA Peak Emitter current – Emitter-Spitzenstrom- I EM 200 mA Junction temperature – SperrschichttemperaturT j 150/C Storage temperature – LagerungstemperaturT S - 65...+ 150/C Characteristics (T j = 25/C)Kennwerte (T j = 25/C) DC current gain – Kollektor-Basis-Stromverhältnis 2 ) V CE = 5 V, I C = 10 :A V CE = 5 V, I C = 2 mA h FE h FE typ. 90 ... 270 110 ... 800 h-Parameters at V CE = 5V, I C = 2 mA, f = 1 kHz Small signal current gain Kleinsignal-Stromverstärkung h fe typ. 220 ... 600 Input impedance – Eingangs-Impedanzh ie 1.6 ... 15 kS Output admittance – Ausgangs-Leitwerth oe 18 ...110 :S Reverse voltage transfer ratio Spannungsrückwirkung h re typ.1.5 ... 3 *10 -4