BC859 (1) datasheet pdf

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BC859 (1) datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 5

©2006 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation1www.fairchildsemi.com BC856- BC860 Rev. B BC856- BC860 PNP Epitaxi al Silicon Transistor tm August 2006 BC856- BC860 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Features • Switching and Amplifier Applications • Suitable for automatic insertion in thick and thin-film circuits • Low Noise: BC859, BC860 • Complement to BC846 ... BC850

  • • Switching and Amplifier Applications
  • • Suitable for automatic insertion in thick and thin-film circuits
  • • Low Noise: BC859, BC860
  • • Complement to BC846 ... BC850
Absolute Maximum Ratings* T a = 25°C unless otherwise noted * These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. Electrical Characteristics* T a =25°C unless otherwise noted * Pulse Test: Pulse Width≤300μs, Duty Cycle≤2% SymbolParameterValueUnits V CBO Collector-Base Voltage : BC856 : BC857/860 : BC858/859 -80 -50 -30 V V V V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage : BC856 : BC857/860 : BC858/859 -65 -45 -30 V V V V EBO Emitter-Base Voltage-5V I C Collector Current (DC)-100mA P C Collector Power Dissipation310mW T J Junction Temperature150°C T STG Storage Temperature-65 ~ 150°C SymbolParameterTest ConditionMin.Typ.Max.Units I CBO Collector Cut-off CurrentV CB = -30V, I E =0-15nA h FE DC Current GainV CE = -5V, I C = -2mA110800 V CE (sat)Collector-Emitter Saturation VoltageI C = -10mA, I B = -0.5mA I C = -100mA, I B = -5mA -90 -250 -300 -650 mV mV V BE (sat)Base-Emitter Saturation VoltageI C = -10mA, I B = -0.5mA I C = -100mA, I B = -5mA -700 -900 mV mV V BE (on)Base-Emitter On VoltageV CE = -5V, I C = -2mA V CE = -5V, I C = -10mA -600-660-750 -800 mV mV f T Current Gain Bandwidth ProductV CE = -5V, I C = -10mA f=100MHz 150MHz C ob Output CapacitanceV CB = -10V, I E =0, f=1MHz6pF NFNoise Figure : BC856/857/858 : BC859/860 V CE = -5V, I C = -200μA R G =2KΩ, f=1KHz 2 1 10 4 dB dB : BC859 : BC860 V CE = -5V, I C = -200μA R G =2KΩ, f=30~15000Hz 1.2 1.2 4 2 dB dB 1. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector SOT-23 1 2 3