BCV64B datasheet pdf

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BCV64B datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 12

1. Product profile 1.1 General description PNP general-purpose double transistor in a small SOT143B Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.

  • 1.2 Features and benefits
  • 1.3 Applications
  • 1.4 Quick reference data
[1]Due to matched dies, h FE values for TR2 are the same as for TR1. BCV64B PNP general-purpose double transistor Rev. 4 — 2 August 2010Product data sheet Table 1.Product overview Type numberPackagePNP complement NXPJEITA BCV64BSOT143B-BCV63B Table 2.Quick reference data SymbolParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnit Per transistor I C collector current--−100mA Transistor TR1 V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base--−30V h FE DC current gainV CE =−5mV; I C =−2mA 220-475 Transistor TR2 V CEO collector-emitter voltageopen base--−6V h FE DC current gainV CE =−700 V; I C =−2mA [1] 220-475