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1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The G308 Operator Interface Terminal combines unique capabilities normally expected from high-end units with a very affordable price. It is built around a high performance core with integrated functionality. This core allows the G308 to perform many of the normal features of the Paradigm range of Operator Interfaces while improving and adding new features. The G308 is able to communicate with many different types of hardware using high-speed RS232/422/485 communications ports and Ethernet 10 Base T/100 Base-TX communications. In addition, the G308 features USB for fast downloads of configuration files and access to trending and data logging. A CompactFlash socket is provided so that Flash cards can be used to collect your trending and data logging information as well as to store larger configuration files. In addition to accessing and controlling of external resources, the G308 allows a user to easily view and enter information. Users can enter data through the touchscreen or front panel 7-button keypad. SAFETY SUMMARY All safety related regulations, local codes and instructions that appear in the manual or on equipment must be observed to ensure personal safety and to prevent damage to either the instrument or equipment connected to it. If equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired. Do not use the controller to directly command motors, valves, or other actuators not equipped with safeguards. To do so can be potentially harmful to persons or equipment in the event of a fault to the controller. CONTENTS OF PACKAGE - G308 Operator Interface. - Panel gasket. - Template for panel cutout. - Hardware packet for mounting unit into panel. - Terminal block for connecting power. ORDERING INFORMATION 1 Contact your Red Lion distributor or visit our website for complete selection. 2 Use this part number to purchase Crimson on CD with a printed manual, USB cable, and RS-232 cable. Otherwise, download from www.redlion.net. 3 Red Lion offers RJ modular jack adapters. Refer to the DR literature for complete details. 4 Battery type is lithium coin type CR2025. 5 Industrial grade two million write cycles. MODEL G308A - GRAPHIC LCD OPERATOR INTERFACE TERMINAL WITH VGA DISPLAY AND TOUCHSCREEN Bulletin No. G308A-E Drawing No. LP0613 Released 1/08 Tel +1 (717) 767-6511 Fax +1 (717) 764-0839 www.redlion.net CompactFlash is a registered trademark of CompactFlash Association. zCONFIGURED USING CRIMSON SOFTWARE (VERSION 2.0 BUILD 187 OR LATER) zUP TO 5 RS-232/422/485 COMMUNICATIONS PORTS (2 RS-232 AND 1 RS-422/485 ON BOARD, 1 RS-232 AND 1 RS422/485 ON OPTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS CARD) z10 BASE T/100 BASE-TX ETHERNET PORT TO NETWORK UNITS AND HOST WEB PAGES zUSB PORT TO DOWNLOAD THE UNIT’S CONFIGURATION FROM A PC OR FOR DATA TRANSFERS TO A PC zUNIT’S CONFIGURATION IS STORED IN NON-VOLATILE MEMORY (8 MBYTE FLASH) zCOMPACTFLASH ® SOCKET TO INCREASE MEMORY CAPACITY z8.4-INCH TFT DISPLAY (256 COLOR, VGA 640X480 PIXELS) z7-BUTTON KEYPAD FOR ON-SCREEN MENUS zTHREE FRONT PANEL LEDS zPOWER UNIT FROM 24VDC ±20% SUPPLY zRESISTIVE ANALOG TOUCHSCREEN CAUTION: Risk of Danger Read complete instructions prior to installationand operation of the unit. CAUTION: Risk of electric shock. MODEL NO.DESCRIPTIONPART NUMBER 512 MB CompactFlash Card 5 64 MB CompactFlash Card 5 256 MB CompactFlash Card 5 G3CF512M G3CF064M G3CF256M G308A000 G3CN G3RS CANopen Optional Communication Card RS232/485 Optional Communication Card G3CN0000 G3RS0000 PSDR G3PBDP Mini Power Supply 1 A Profibus DP Optional Communication Card PSDR0100 G3PBDP00 SFCRM2 Crimson 2.0 2 SFCRM200 CBL RS-232 Programming CableCBLPROG0 G3CF G308A USB CableCBLUSB00 Communications Cables 1 CBLxxxxx G3FILMProtective Films Replacement Battery 4 G3FILM08 BNL20000 DR DIN Rail Mountable Adapter Products 3 DRxxxxxx Operator Interface with TFT display for indoor applications, textured finish with embossed keys FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS: Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G Class III, Division 2 63YN LABORATORY EQUIPMENT The protective conductor terminal is bonded to conductive parts of the equipment for safety purposes and must be connected to an external protective earthing system. WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR SUITABILITY FOR CLASS I, DIVISION 2/CLASS II, DIVISION 2/CLASS III, DIVISION 2