UA2240 datasheet pdf

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UA2240 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 12

JLA2240 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER/COUNTER FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS GENERAL DESCRIPTION - The /lA2240 Programmable Timer/Counter is a monolithic control- ler capable of producing accurate microsecond to five day time delays. Long delays, up to three years, can easily be generated by cascading two timers. The timer consists of a time-t>ase oscillator, programmable 8-bit counter and control flip-flop. An external resistor capacitor (RC) network sets the oscillator frequency and allows delay times from 1 RC to 255 RC to be selected. In the astable mode of operation, 255 frequencies or pulse patterns can be generated from a single RC network. These frequencies or pulse patterns can also easily be synchronized to an external signal. The trig- ger, reset and outputs are all TIL and DTL compatible for easy interface with digital system. The timer's high accuracy and versatility in producing a wide range of time delays makes it ideal as a direct replacement for mechanical or electromechanical devices. CONNECTION DIAGRAM 16-PIN DIP (TOP VIEW) PACKAGE OUTLINES 7B, 98 PACKAGE CODE D P • ACCURATE TIMING FROM MICROSECONDS TO DAYS • PROGRAMMABLE DELAYS FROM 1 RC TO 255 RC • TIL, DTL AND CMOS COMPATIBLE OUTPUTS • TIMING DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO RC TIME CONSTANT • HIGH ACCURACY -0.5% • EXTERNAL SYNC AND MODULATION CAPABILITY • WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE • EXCELLENT SUPPLY VOLTAGE REJECTION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage Output Current Output Voltage Regulator Output Current 18 V 10mA 18V 5 mA ,. Vee REGULATOR OUTPUT TIME-8ASE OUTPUT RESISTOR CAPACITOR INPUT MODULATION INPUT TRIGGER INPUT RESET GND Maximum Power Dissipation, Note 1 Package Code D (Ceramic) Code P (Plastic) 750mW 650mW ORDER INFORMATION TYPE PART NO. Operating Temperature Range Package Military (J.IA2240) -55°C to + 125°C O°C to 70°C /lA2240 /lA2240DM /lA2240C /lA2240DC /lA2240C /lA2240PC Commercial (J.IA2240C) BLOCK DIAGRAM r----------------~---------------T---l 11 I I I I I ., I I I I •• n I I I I I I I" I ..,I_...., ____ ~ """1r--_---,,--. __ :..:.o~~~~TOA " I 0128 If.o.t--------~A~~ ____ =OU:.:T-'-PU:.:Tc,·-tI .. • _____ C~~~~:R -------<.-tli"".-----I.l~~~~~g~ NOTE 1: Above 25°C ambient derate linearly at 6.2 mW;oC for Package Code 0 and at 5.3 mW;oC for Package Code P. 7-13 •