UA311 datasheet pdf

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UA311 datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 5

!JAIIl-pA311 VOLTAGE COMPARATORS FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS GENERAL DESCRIPTION -the "A111 and "A311 are monolithic, low input current Voltage Com- parators, each constructed using the Fairchild Planar· epitaxial process. The "A111 series operates from the single 5 V integrated circuit logic supplvto the standard ±15 V operational amplifier supplies. The "A111 series is intended for a wide range of applicatons including driving lamps or relavs and switching voltages up to 50 V at currents as high as 50 mAo The output stage is compatible with RTl, OTL, TTL and MOS logic. The input stage current can be raised to increase input slew rate. • lOW INPUT BIAS CURRENT -150 nA MAX (111),250 nA MAX (311) • LOW INPUT OFFSET CURRENT -20 nA MAX (111),50 nA MAX (311) • DIFFERENTIAL INPUT VOLTAGE -±30 V • POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE SINGLE 5.0 V SUPPLY TO ±15 V • OFFSET VOLTAGE NULL CAPABILITY • STROBE CAPABILITY ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Between V+ and V-Terminal. Output to V-("A 111) ("A311) Ground to V- Differential Input Voltage I nput Voltage (Note 1) Internal Power Dissipation (Note 2) Output Short Circuit Duration Storage Temperature Range (Metal Can and Hermetic Mini DIP) (Molded Mini DIP) Operating Temperature Range Military (j1A I III Commercial (j1A31 I ) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT BALANCE 6-8 36V SOV 40V 30V ±30 V ±1SV SOOmW 10. -6S'C to·+150'C -55'C to +125°C _SSOC to +125°.C aOc to +70°C CONNECTION DIAGRAMS a-PIN METAL CAN (TOP VIEW) PACKAGE OUTLINE 55 PACKAGE CODE H GND +IN -IN v- V+ v- ORDER INFORMATION TYPE j1Al11 "A311 PART NO. j1Al11HM j1A311HC a-PIN MINI DIP (TOP VIEW) PACKAGE OUTLINE 9T 6T PACKAGE CODE T R V+ OUT BALANCE/ STROBE BALANCE ORDER INFORMATION TYPE j1Al11 j1A311 j1A311 PART NO. j1All1RM j1A311RC j1A311TC ·Planar is a patented Fairchild process