BCV49 (2) datasheet pdf

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BCV49 (2) datasheet pdf

Datasheet Information

Pages: 4

Semiconductor Group1 NPN Silicon Darlington Transistors BCV 29 BCV 49 Maximum Ratings TypeOrdering Code (tape and reel) Marking Package 1) Pin Configuration BCV 29 BCV 49 Q62702-C1853 Q62702-C1832 EF EG SOT-89 1234 BCEC 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. 2) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm×40 mm×1.5 mm/6 cm 2 Cu. ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Collector-emitter voltageV CE0V Peak collector currentICM Collector currentICmA Junction temperatureTj ̊C Total power dissipation,T S = 130 ̊CP1totW Storage temperature rangeT stg Collector-base voltageVCB0 Thermal Resistance Junction - ambient 2) Rth JA≤ 75K/W 500 800 1 150 – 65 ... + 150 Emitter-base voltageV EB0 Base currentIB100 3060 4080 BCV 29BCV 49 Peak base currentI BM200 1010 Junction - soldering pointRth JS≤ 20 lFor general AF applications lHigh collector current lHigh current gain lComplementary types: BCV 28, BCV 48 (PNP) 5.91

Semiconductor Group1 NPN Silicon Darlington Transistors BCV 29 BCV 49 Maximum Ratings TypeOrdering Code (tape and reel) Marking Package 1) Pin Configuration BCV 29 BCV 49 Q62702-C1853 Q62702-C1832 EF EG SOT-89 1234 BCEC 1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. 2) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm×40 mm×1.5 mm/6 cm 2 Cu. ParameterSymbolValuesUnit Collector-emitter voltageV CE0V Peak collector currentICM Collector currentICmA Junction temperatureTj ̊C Total power dissipation,T S = 130 ̊CP1totW Storage temperature rangeT stg Collector-base voltageVCB0 Thermal Resistance Junction - ambient 2) Rth JA≤ 75K/W 500 800 1 150 – 65 ... + 150 Emitter-base voltageV EB0 Base currentIB100 3060 4080 BCV 29BCV 49 Peak base currentI BM200 1010 Junction - soldering pointRth JS≤ 20 lFor general AF applications lHigh collector current lHigh current gain lComplementary types: BCV 28, BCV 48 (PNP) 5.91